What to Expect
We are an elder led congregation devoted to expository preaching. Through God’s ordained means we desire to equip the saints to worship in spirit and truth. We do this so that they will learn to glorify God with their minds and proclaim with their mouth that there is hope for the lost in the Gospel of God’s sovereign grace.
Friendly People. We are excited you are here! We want to meet you and encourage you to introduce yourself to us.
A Relaxed Atmosphere. Some people like to dress up for church and some prefer more casual attire.
A Diverse Group of People. Sovereign Grace has people of all ages and from many backgrounds. We have young families, older families, seniors, singles, college students and more!
Traditional & Contemporary Music. We use a mix of traditional hymns from The 1991 Baptist Hymnal and contemporary songs - most of which are written by Sovereign Grace Music.
At Sovereign Grace, people are more important than programs.
The Biblical nurturing of individual lives is more important than the numbers in attendance. Our success is measured in terms of our faithfulness and of the spiritual growth of God’s people.
Sovereign Grace is a place where you can step aside from the world to be refreshed by the Word in the fellowship of a loving church family.

Equipping the Saints, Engaging the Lost, & Glorifying God